Laser Dental Clinic in Nepal

Laser Dental in Nepal

DentaLife Oral Concern is one of the first dental clinic in Nepal to incorporate latest technology in laser dentistry. To schedule an appointment, please call us:
Landline: +977-1-4163520 | Mobile: +977-9843488192


Laser dentistry is a minimally invasive dental technique that utilizes concentrated beams of light (laser) to perform various dental procedures. This technology offers several advantages over traditional methods, including reduced pain, minimal bleeding, and faster healing times. Laser dentistry can be used for a wide range of procedures, such as cavity detection, gum disease treatment, tooth whitening, and even surgical procedures like gum reshaping or removing oral lesions. Additionally, lasers can sterilize the treatment area, minimizing the risk of infection.

Overall, laser dentistry provides patients with a more comfortable and efficient dental experience.


It can be used in both hard and soft tissues.

In hard tissue:

  • Laser assisted Teeth  Bleaching,
  • Teeth Desensitization
  • Laser Therapy in TMJ pain

In soft tissue:

  • Removal of soft tissues covering the impacted Or partially erupted tooth
  • Photostimulation in recurrent herpetic lesion and aphthous ulcers
  • Aesthetic gingival recontouring and crown lengthening
  • Frenectomies
  • Endodontic Germ Reduction
  • Periodontal Germ Reduction

Advantages of Laser:

  1. Short healing time and quicker recovery: Laser dentistry operates with incredible precision, resulting in minimal trauma to the tooth, gum and surrounding tissues of the oral cavity.This translates to a reduced healing time compared to traditional techniques used for dental procedures. The entire process is almost pain-free with quicker recovery times.
  2. Specificity: Hence minimal tissue Damage. Due to the precise nature of laser treatments, the technology can preserve healthy areas of the teeth and surrounding structures.
  3. Less pain: As the treatment with laser is specific, less tissue is involved, hence less pain.
  4. Minimal to no post surgical  bleeding and infection:  When used for dental procedures, the laser’s high-energy beam causes blood coagulation to reduce blood loss. Also, since the laser beam sterilizes the affected area during the procedure, there is a lower risk of bacterial infection or complications.
  5. Minimal Time for Dental Treatment: Procedure with laser is comparatively fast compared to conventional procedures.
  6. Optimizable for patients: Depending on the type of dental treatment, the dentist can adjust the laser beam’s wavelength and power level to fit. This provides maximum control over the procedure and allows them to complete a dental treatment that serves the patient’s needs
  7. Minimally invasive process

Dental lasers are built to function without pressure, heat or continuous vibration, allowing dentists to perform dental procedures with little or no need for anesthesia. Lasers are minimally invasive and remove the need for dental drills. This means patients will feel lower pressure, ultimately reducing pain and discomfort during the procedure. Hence,  patients experience less anxiety and can relax during the procedure.

Laser dentistry offers better results with reduced treatment duration. Patients will feel less discomfort during the procedure and will usually not require more invasive treatments. The dentist may provide this option along with conventional techniques or independent treatment. To learn more, book an appointment with the dental office today.

Treatment With Lasers

1. Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a 20 – 30 minutes procedure  that must be carried out in a dental clinic. The process is similar to conventional bleaching, except that a special light is used to speed up the oxidation of oxygen molecules.

How is it done?

  1. The dentist gives you protective glasses for your eyes  and places a cheek retractor into your mouth.
  2. A protective gel (light-cured resin material)  is applied to the gums to protect them from the bleaching gel.
  3. An intensely concentrated peroxide-based whitening gel is then applied directly onto your teeth.
  4. After a couple of minutes, a diode  laser is then used to activate the gel.
  5. This whole process can be done 2-3 times until the desired shade of the tooth is obtained.

Advantages of laser teeth whitening:

  • Laser teeth whitening is incredibly powerful and long lasting
  • Whitening sessions are quick—each one takes around 10 – 15 minutes.
  • You’ll probably see immediate results that are more dramatic than those of standard  bleaching techniques.
  • Medical professionals perform these procedures, so you can be sure they are safe and effective.

Can Laser teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth?

Laser whitening cannot damage your teeth. Since tooth enamel is hard tissue, the peroxide used in laser whitening solutions does not damage it.

2. Laser gum Depigmentation


Just as people have different skin tones, so can people have different gum tones.  Although dark gums may be healthy, some patients find them unattractive and seek measures to lighten them. 

Gum depigmentation (GD) is a minor surgical procedure used to remove or reduce excessive pigmentation applying various treatment methods among which most recently numerous types of lasers are used. 

It restores the gums to an aesthetic, pink color.

What Makes the Gums Dark?

Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin color. Gums also produce melanin. Excessive amounts of melanin makes the gum dark.

What Happens During Laser Gum Depigmentation? 

During the treatment, your dentist uses a soft tissue laser to remove the excess pigment from your gums under  local anesthesia.

The procedure takes 30 min to 1 hour and is nearly painless. Most people get the results they were hoping for after just a single treatment session.

Laser gum depigmentation has been recognized recently as the most effective, pleasant and reliable technique. 

Advantages with laser gum depigmentation

  • Easy handling
  • Short treatment time
  • Accelerate wound healing
  • No or very limited bleeding
  • Minimal Pain
  • No need of sutures or surgical dressing
  • Sterilization Effect
Laser gum Depigmentation
Laser gum Depigmentation


3. Lasers in Teeth desensitization

What is Dentin Hypersensitivity ?

Dentine HyperSensitivity (DHS) is one of the most commonly encountered dental problems that causes discomfort and sometimes severe pain. 

 Hypersensitivity may be present on one specific tooth,  in one area of the mouth, or several teeth. It can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life, impede effective oral hygiene, and subsequently affect aesthetics.


What are the Main Causes for DHS?

Dentin is covered by enamel in the crown region and by cementum in the root region. When the enamel or cementum is lost, the underlying dentin will be exposed along with the dentine tubules, producing dentin hypersensitivity.

Any reason that removes enamel / cementum leads to Dentin Hypersensitivity, most common being hard tooth brushing, gum recession.

As a result pain, pressure, and hot and cold stimuli can travel down the tubules triggering the nerve. Conventional desensitizing agents like toothpastes and mouthwashes aim to obliterate the exposed pores or tubules but take a while to work and must constantly be used. Apart from the traditional ways, recently dental laser for teeth desensitization has been common. Laser teeth desensitization is an efficient tool for the immediate treatment of tooth hypersensitivity.

Lasers have been proven to be effective at decreasing or even eliminating dental sensitivity. It directs the laser energy into the sensitive areas and the laser suppresses the potential of the nerve fibers by sealing the tubules.


How it is done?

It is a simple procedure which requires no anesthetic. In our office, we do this fast, cost effective and pain free procedure with a high success rate.


The use of a dental laser may make you feel more comfortable and less anxious during your treatments. If you are interested in learning more about procedures that use dental laser technology, please contact us.


4. Laser in gummy smile correction


5. Laser in TMJ pain


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Copyright © 2024 by DentaLife Oral Concern Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.