Impacted Wisdom Teeth and their Effect on the Natural Adjacent Tooth
Impacted Wisdom Teeth are the third molars at the back of the mouth that lack enough space to grow naturally. In such case, wisdom tooth extraction is needed. For extraction, Oral & maxillofacial surgeon is specialist dentist who can safely remove the teeth using their expertise. Please call us for appointments with our dentist. We accept walk-ins, call or online appointments at anytime.
Landline: +977-1-4163520 | Mobile: +977-9843488192

How the teeth gets Impacted?
- Wisdom teeth likely to become impacted because of a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the size of the jaw.
- If this happens, pain can develop with the onset of inflammation or infection or damage to the adjacent teeth.
Different Types Of Impaction
- Mesial/Distal Impaction
- Vertical Impaction
- Horizontal Impaction
- Bony Impaction
- Soft tissue Impaction
- Partial Impaction
What happens if you DON’T REMOVE Impacted Wisdom Teeth
If trapped in the gums, impacted wisdom teeth may lead to various dental problems such as infection, pain, swelling or misalignment of the other teeth.
- Gum infection and Pain
- Extensive Tooth Decay: Impacted teeth causes collection of saliva, food debris and bacteria around it . This could cause decay on the wisdom tooth or on the adjacent teeth .
- Damage to the teeth: Impacted teeth commonly affects the adjacent teeth leading to an irregular alignment of teeth , toothache and sensitivity. The inflammation of the surrounding tissues caused by the dental plaque, together with the pressure of the wisdom tooth pushing on the adjacent tooth in front, this causes the root of the adjacent tooth to resorb
- Abscesses
- Cysts

Tooth Extraction Cost
Visit Our Prices / Services Page for more details
After Extraction of Wisdom Tooth
What To Do?
- Bite on the gauze for about 30 mins .
- Remove the gauze after 30 mins and take something extremely cold, like an Ice-cream.
- Take your painkiller right away before the effect of anesthesia goes off.
- Take cold and soft diet for 24 hrs.
- To prevent Swelling ;apply an ice pack or a cold towel to your cheek . Do this for at least 20 mins .Repeat the same every 1 hour for first 24 hours.
- After 24 hour, rinse at least 3-4 times a day with warm salt water for 1 week.
- Take your medication as prescribed by the doctor.
- If suturing has been done it should be removed after 1 week.
What NOT To Do?
- Do not for spit or rinse for next 24 hours after the removal of tooth ,it may lead to bleeding .
- Avoid hot, spicy and hard food or drink for 24 hours.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for at least 48 hours.
- Do not drink juice or any liquid through Straw.
- After tooth removal, cheeks will be numb for few hours so do not bite on your cheeks and lips.
- Avoid exercising for 12-24 hours and heavy lifting for 2-3 days.
- Brushing should not be done on the day of tooth removal as it might remove the blood clot. Continue regular brushing gently from the next day.